Monday, 28 November 2011

My Blog Post for Parkland School Division

There's a web site called Parkland School Division 184 Project.  You get to see a whole bunch of blogs by kids and teachers of all ages and different schools.  I was asked by my teacher to put a post on there so I did just about an hour ago.

You should check it out sometime.

And here it is if you want to read it.

I like history that’s why I’m doing Story of the World.  I’ve been doing it for about 2 Months now.  Also I made a time line on my wall.  It’s cool, and I’m still working on it.
I’ve learned about different types of ancient leaders.  One is called a dictator.  Dictators are nasty.  I mean Shamshi-Adad.  He ruled Assur.  Assur was in Mesopotamia by Babylon, near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.  This is from the story Shamshi-Adad King of the Whole World.  Every time a new government lived beside each other, one of them would try and take over the other.  That’s how they would get the government bigger.  That’s why Shamshi-Adad thought he was king of the whole world, because he conquered most of Mesopotamia.
Hammurabi was a fair leader.  Hammurabi was very arrogant and judgmental.  He was also the ruler of Mesopotamia.  He made the Code of Hammurabi in about 1780 B.C.E.  It was the first set of written laws that we know of.  The laws are astounding because everybody had to follow them.

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by graye
I like doing history because you spend a lot of time on it, you get to make predictions, you can think it over and you get to build stuff.